Thetis Island Community Association


Rain = Green




BC Ferries

Interactive Community Workshop

Tuesday, June 25th

5 PM


Marg Armstrong Memorial

Thursday, June 27

2 PM

Forbes Hall



Restarts: Fall 2024


Who's Who of Thetis Pets Registry


Thetis Island Community Fund
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Pullerbear Available to Borrow

ThINC has purchased a Pullerbear tool to assist with the periodic removal of invasive plants in the nature reserves. We would like to make it available on loan to property owners on Thetis to control invasives on their own properties. The tool works a charm for removing medium to large size plants such as holly up to about 2" diameter trunk.  

Note: The tool is very effective (and strangely satisfying) for broom removal but is NOT the recommended method. The disturbed soil triggers dormant seeds to germinate, and you can expect to see baby broom in that area next year.

The recommended approach for broom removal is to cut larger broom (1/2" diameter for greater) just below the ground level. Hear from the and the Invasive Species Council of BC .

To make arrangements to borrow the tool, contact ThINC at

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