Thetis Island Community Association


Rain = Green




BC Ferries

Interactive Community Workshop

Tuesday, June 25th

5 PM


Marg Armstrong Memorial

Thursday, June 27

2 PM

Forbes Hall



Restarts: Fall 2024


Who's Who of Thetis Pets Registry


Thetis Island Community Fund
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Cemetery Clean Up May 25th

On Saturday May 25th from 10-3, St. Margaret’s Cemetery Committee will be having its annual maintenance day. The cemetery is a vault of island history and is the permanent home for many of our forebears. From tidying up headstones, to general landscaping there will be a range of projects to suit everyone's interests and abilities.

Please plan to come by and join us, we encourage everyone to join. If possible, please bring small garden tools for general landscaping and/or scrub brushes and water pails to clean grave markers. We would encourage you to contribute to the picnic lunch, where we will remember and celebrate the lives that came before us.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

David Reay

Thetis Island Cemetery Committee

H: 250-246-1593.    E:

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